Saturday, April 17, 2010

Love Lilli and Bella

Dear Deer,

I saw you today on the road. It was exciting!

Dear Bella's (future) BF,

Please stop being so cute to her. She's getting on my nerves.

Dear Book,

Please to come to me. I would like to finish writing you.

Dear Flowers,

Thank you for blooming (you look amazing!).

Dear Heart,

Please stop aching. You may not be in two places at once. It does not work.

Dear Rain,

I like you. I like you a lot. Please come back. The sun is too hot.

Dear Eyes,

I like you when you're a bright, vibrant color. Please stay that way.

Dear Gregory,

Go away. No one loves you.

Dear Diet Coke,

I am a fan. ;)

Dear Lilli,

I love you lots!

Dear Summer,

Come. NOW. The cold does not like me.

Dear Gregory,

Thanks for showing me who you actually are. Now die.

Dear Acne,

I do not like you. Please rehabitat onto Gregory's face.

Dear Wonderboy,

I like you. I really like you.

Dear Heartbreak,

You have no warrant to come back. Bye!

Dear Silk Milk,

You are all silky like. I like that.

Two Among The Many
