Monday, July 26, 2010

What's Up This Summer!

Well, I had a party just a little while for my birthday. :) Was fun. :) There's this boy, who came to my party, and I like him. I like him a lot. We talked for a little while, and he got really really close to me. I so wanted to lean in just a little and kiss him on the cheek, but I never did. I kinda think I'm gonna marry him, but Bella, sweet Bella, has completely destroyed my hope. But I love her anyways. Haha! Well, I said a prayer to know who I was gonna marry in the future, and he was the very first one since that prayer who has liked me back. :) Anyways, he had a girlfriend, and I felt cheated, but eventually they did break up. I get to have him now, and it makes me happy.
But Bella and I haven't been hanging out enough. :( She's been gone too much!!! :( But we're hanging out today, and I'll be to her house again tomorrow. So I guess it's more or less okay.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Isabella's experience with physical abuse

I've woke up scared, wondering when the next strike will happen, for about a month now... I seriously have no idea what to do. Recently my mom has decided to vent out all her anger on her youngest daughter, me. You see, I've been beaten for quite a long time now. It's driving me insane. Do I want to tell? Of course not. Why on Earth would I risk getting me and my brothers taken away from my parents? Here's a taste of how life's been for me recently:

May 4, 2010
Dear Diary,
Something happened today that I'm not sure I want to keep happening. I was dragged out of bed around 2:23 a.m. by my ponytail, down the stairs, and onto the kitchen tile. I saw my mom raise her fist and pound my stomach in. It left eight bruises.

May 14, 2010
Dear Diary,
My English teacher started to ask questions about the bruises and cuts all over me. I lied and said I was being stupid and jumped off of the tree house onto the tramp... she rolled her eyes and excused me by simply stating, "I'll buy it for now, but later you're gonna tell me what really happened, alright?" I'm so scared. My mom dug her nails into my arms and face. It has left some MAJOR cuts. I told Daddy and he didn't believe me. Help...

I'm starting to feel like I don't matter to this world. Ever feel that way? I think it will stop 'cause my neighbor heard one night and came over. I lied and told her I fell off of our balconey and my Mom was just helping me up. My mom hasn't hit me since I lied. She now knows I could quite easily snitch on her. Who knows what will happen next...

Thanks for reading, this is very much a true story, don't say I'm lying.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Love Lilli and Bella

Dear Deer,

I saw you today on the road. It was exciting!

Dear Bella's (future) BF,

Please stop being so cute to her. She's getting on my nerves.

Dear Book,

Please to come to me. I would like to finish writing you.

Dear Flowers,

Thank you for blooming (you look amazing!).

Dear Heart,

Please stop aching. You may not be in two places at once. It does not work.

Dear Rain,

I like you. I like you a lot. Please come back. The sun is too hot.

Dear Eyes,

I like you when you're a bright, vibrant color. Please stay that way.

Dear Gregory,

Go away. No one loves you.

Dear Diet Coke,

I am a fan. ;)

Dear Lilli,

I love you lots!

Dear Summer,

Come. NOW. The cold does not like me.

Dear Gregory,

Thanks for showing me who you actually are. Now die.

Dear Acne,

I do not like you. Please rehabitat onto Gregory's face.

Dear Wonderboy,

I like you. I really like you.

Dear Heartbreak,

You have no warrant to come back. Bye!

Dear Silk Milk,

You are all silky like. I like that.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Our Introduction

What You've Been Waiting For...

This is it. This thing you've all been waiting for. The thing that will uplift you, and take you to greater heights. The thing that will pull you through all that you wish was gone. The thing that will cause you to burst out in sudden laughter, at the very moment you were on the verge of tears. Or, even quite the opposite.

Let us introduce ourselves:

My name is Lilliana Marie (just Lilli for short). Personally, I think of myself as the better writer of the two of us, but my other... well, she agrees with me. ;) Also, I'm an amature novelist, so if one day, you see my book, Powerfuls, out on the shelves, you'll know I finally finished it. I like talking to my friends (expecially the crazy one who talked me into this blog) and I sing. One day, I plan to be great. I'll be the greatest thing the World has ever seen. Sometimes, I get a little crazy... but my friends put up with me anyway. Oh, how I love my friends! Oh, well. Well I'm guessing Bellz wants a turn. ;) Talk Later!

Hey! My full name is Isabella Rose (just call me Bella), and me and Lilli are so totally different it's crazy, but somehow we managed to become best friends. I guess opposites do attract, right? Let me introduce myself: I was raised in a wealthier family, and have often been referred to as "the princess", etc. Okay... I admit it. I am a little (or a lot) spoiled, and Lilli is truly much better when it comes to academics. But I'm Albert Einstein when it comes dance, cheer, beauty pageants, or fashion. Oh and it would be best to shoot you this heads up: I am recovering from a tragic heartbreak...I'll explain more later, so if you see anything referring to this pathetic player you'll understand more thoroughly.

Thank you so much for reading, and you can look forward to the many dramatic, and adventurous scenes of our lives...

Two Among The Many
